We study defect modes in a one-dimensional periodic medium with a dislocation. The model is a periodic Schrödinger operator on R, perturbed by an adiabatic dislocation of amplitude δ ≪ 1. If the periodic background admits a Dirac point -a linear crossing of dispersion curves -then the dislocated operator acquires a gap in its essential spectrum. For this model (and its honeycomb analog) Fefferman, Lee-Thorp and Weinstein [FLW14b, FLW17, FLW16a, FLW16b] constructed defect modes with energies within this gap. The bifurcation of defect modes is associated with the discrete eigenmodes of an effective Dirac operator.We improve upon this result: we show that all the defect modes of the dislocated operator arise from the eigenmodes of the Dirac operator. As a byproduct, we derive full expansions of the eigenpairs in powers of δ. The self-contained proof relies on (a) resolvent estimates for the bulk operators; (b) scattering theory for highly oscillatory potentials [Dr18b,Dr18a,Dr18c]. This work significantly advances the understanding of the topological stability of certain defect states, particularly the bulk-edge correspondence for continuous dislocated systems.