Electromagnetic energy is likely the largest unknown input to the upper atmosphere. Together with precipitating particles, it may constitute the largest overall source of energy during geomagnetic storms. This source of energy is a critical driver of stormtime dynamics, and is responsible for plasma convection, atmospheric upwelling in the cusps, as well as many other important phenomena. The net transfer of electromagnetic energy between the magnetosphere and upper atmosphere can be quantified in terms of "Poynting flux" as observed between ~400-1000 km (above the collisional ionosphere and below the magnetospheric acceleration region). This source of energy is highly variable both spatially and temporally, and so its accurate characterization would require a very large number of measurements. Statistical estimates of Poynting flux based on groundbased and satellite data can differ by an order of magnitude overall, and show contrasting morphologies. There are indications that small-scale phenomena contribute a large fraction of the total energy, especially at higher altitudes, though recent data on this subject are scarce due to the absence of E-field probe data at the relevant altitudes. Recent analysis of data from several missions by three different groups indicates a major ~30% asymmetry in the Poynting flux, favoring the Northern hemisphere. The Poynting vector is occasionally observed to point upward, indicating a net transfer of energy from the atmosphere to the magnetosphere. These cases may hold the key to unraveling poorly understood magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling phenomena. Recent major advances in modeling from the ground up to 600-km and, separately, from the solar wind down to the ionosphere (e.g. GAMERA, BATS-R-US) essentially meet here, and so this topic is a compelling target for both modelers and observationalists.