Assuming neutrinos are Majorana particles having non-zero transitionmagnetic moments, a global analysis of solar neutrino data, together with the new KamLAND data, is presented in the resonant spin flavor precession (RSFP) framework. We used Wood-Saxon and Gaussian shaped magnetic field profiles throughout the entire Sun. For each magnetic field profile, allowed regions from solar data combined with new KamLAND data are examined at 95% confidence level (CL). We showed that all allowed regions are in the large mixing angle (LMA) region and remain the same as the µB value is increased for both magnetic field profiles, contrary to the Dirac case studied in our previous work. The electron antineutrino flux from the Sun is calculated, and via the results obtained several limits are set for µB.
1.IntroductionThe magnetic moment solution to solar neutrino problem is alternative possible mechanism to MSW [1 − 2] neutrino oscillation solutions. In this solution motivated by Okun et al (OVV) [3], strong magnetic field in the Sun changes neutrino's helicity which has non-zero transition magnetic moment, as it passes through a region with the magnetic field. Shortly after this solution was proposed, resonance spin flavor precession (RSFP) was proposed by Lim and Marciano [4]. In the RSFP scenario, there is a combined effect of matter and magnetic field in the Sun on neutrino's spin and flavor precession. Thus, the neutrino's spin and flavor flip simultaneously. In other words, left-handed electron neutrinos convert to right-handed neutrinos of other types: In this work, assuming the fact that all neutrinos are Majorana particles, we present a global analysis of solar data combined with the new KamLAND data [12] in the RSFP scenario. We obtain allowed regions by using standart least squares analysis on the oscillation parameter space, ∆m 2 and tan 2 θ, space. Our results showed that all allowed regions are in the large mixing angle (LMA) region and have the same chi-square value as µB value is increased for both magnetic field profiles. After the combined analysis of solar and KamLAND data, we examine the electron antineutrino flux at certain ∆m 2 and tan 2 θ values.This paper is divided as fallows: in section 2 we give general information on the evolution equation of Majorana neutrinos having transition magnetic moment. In section 3 the relevant magnetic field profiles are given. Detailed statistical analysis are given in section 4. In section 5 a theoretical framework is given for the calculation of the solar antineutrino flux. Finally, our results and conclusion are presented in section 6.
Evolution equation for Majorana neutrinos in the RSFP frameworkFor two generations, Majorana neutrino flavors are ν e , ν µ , ν e , ν µ . Altough Dirac neutrinos have diagonal and off-diagonal magnetic moments, Majorana neutrinos have only off-diagonal (transition) magnetic moments. For the Majorana neutrinos that propagate through matter and in a transverse magnetic field B, the evolution equation in the case of two generations...