These authors contributed equally † 33]. In these materials, the orbital degrees of freedom are dynamically active (and often coupled to spin and charge), and contribute to the spectrum of low-energy excitations, thus complicating the interpretation of RIXS spectra. Most importantly, the polarization analysis, besides requiring additional experimental components, provides only limited information in these cases, since the scattering matrix for orbital excitations is typically more asymmetric (see Appendix A) than the charge and spin channels. These considerations underscore the importance to develop a systematic method to resolve the nature and character of individual excitations encoded in the RIXS spectra.RIXS is a 2 nd order interaction process governed by a polarization-dependent cross section which can be derived from the Kramers-Heisenberg formula [1,10]. Most importantly, in the RIXS process, the character of each excitation is uniquely imprinted onto a distinctive form of the scattering tensor, which is ultimately determined by the matrix elements of the interaction (electric dipole) operator. The scattering tensor can be partly resolved by measuring the RIXS signal as a function of the polarization of incident (σ in /π in : perpendicular/parallel to the scattering plane) and scattered (σ out /π out ) photon beams, for a total of four polarization channels (σ in -σ out , σ in -π out , π in -σ out , π in -π out ). Full polarization analysis is therefore often insightful [20,34,35] but ultimately insufficient to resolve the full (3×3) scattering tensor, especially in systems with complex orbital physics where all components are nonzero and the tensor is asymmetric.In this paper, we apply a special procedure to resolve the RIXS scattering tensor at a given momentum transfer, and correspondingly uncover the nature of excitations as a function of both energy and momentum. Our experimental approach relies on the use of an azimuthal scanning geometry where the sample is placed on a wedged holder as shown in Fig. 1(a). This geometry, owing to the collinearity of the azimuthal rotation axis to the direction of momentum transfer, ensures that the probed wavevector remains fixed (both in-plane Q and out-of-plane Q ⊥ components) for all values of the azimuthal angle (φ). At each azimuthal angle, a different combination of the tensor components are selected, so that the symmetry of scattering tensor is imprinted onto the azimuthal dependence of RIXS signal. This probing scheme is often used in resonant elastic X-ray scattering experiments and is here demonstrated for inelastic processes [36,37]. In our experiment, an ostensible variation of the RIXS signal can be observed as a function of φ and, most importantly, the intensity modulation is different for each spectral component, reflecting the symmetry of the underlying scattering tensor (Fig. 1(b)). We applied this method to resolve the charge, spin, and orbital nature of elastic scattering, magnon and multimagnon, and dd excitations in cuprate compou...