The actual theoretical research investigates the resonant high-energy spontaneous bremsstrahlung of ultrarelativistic electrons with considerable energies Ei 10 2 GeV in the field of a nucleus and a quasimonochromatic laser wave with intensity I 10 16 ÷10 17 W/cm 2 . Under the resonant conditions within the laser field the intermediate virtual electron transforms into the real particle. Therefore, the initial second-order process with accordance to the fine structure constant effectively splits into two consequent first-order phenomena: the laser-stimulated Compton-effect and laser fieldassisted scattering of an electron on a nucleus. As a result, the accomplished analysis defines that the polar emission angle characterizes the frequency of a spontaneous photon. The study derives the expressions for the resonant differential cross-sections of the represented processes that realize simultaneous registration of the frequency and radiation angle in correlation to the momentum of the initial electron (for the channel A) and of the final electron (for the channel B) of the spontaneous photon with absorption of r wave photons (r = 1, 2, 3, ... -the number of a resonance). Additionally, the distribution of the resonant differential cross-section as a function of the angle of the spontaneous photon emission for the higher numbers of resonance (r = 2, 3, ...) delineates a dependency with a sharp peak maximum that coordinates to the particle radiation at the most probable frequency. To summarize, the accomplished work represents that the resonant differential cross-section acquires considerable magnitude. Thus, for the first resonance of the channel A the resonant differential cross-section attains the ∼ 10 12 order of a magnitude, and for the third resonance of the channel B ∼ 10 5 order of a magnitude (in the units of αZ 2 r 2 e ). Finally, numerous scientific facilities with specialization in pulsed laser radiation (SLAC, FAIR, XFEL, ELI, XCELS) may experimentally verify the constructed model calculations.