In this chapter we describe work of [366] and of [393] on thermal convection in a Darcy porous material in a vertical layer subject to different temperatures on the vertical walls.For the case of a single temperature the problem where the porous medium occupies a vertical layer subject to differential heating from one side to the other has attracted much attention. This problem has much application to insulation, such as in the area of building design, and is of importance in window double glazing. For the single temperature situation the first proof that a vertical porous slab of Darcy type which is held at fixed but different temperatures on the vertical walls is stable to perturbations from the equilibrium state is due to [156]. His analysis is based on the linear theory and analyses the two-dimensional problem.[409] further analysed this problem but in three-dimensions and he treated the completely nonlinear situation by employing energy-like integral methods. In particular, [409] produced a threshold for the Rayleigh number which guarantees global nonlinear stability, i.e. regardless of how large the initial perturbation may be. He also employed a generalized energy method to demonstrate that the result of [156] is true in the fully three-dimensional case although the initial data must be restricted. Articles dealing with other interesting aspects of convection in a vertical porous slab or pipe involving effects like double diffusion, and LTNE, include the papers by [32, 33, 36, 46, 211, 220, 221, 329, 330, 362] and [460]. The methods of energy stability techniques applied specifically to convection in a vertical porous slab are addressed in [144, 229] and [356], and these are discussed in detail in the book by [414, pp. 126-134].The analogous problem in LTNE to that of [156] was first addressed by [366]. Specifically [366] dealt with the [156] problem of thermal convection in a vertical porous medium, but he employed the theory of local thermal non-equilibrium, allowing for different fluid and solid temperatures. The interesting work of [366] demonstrates that the vertical configuration is always stable according to linear theory, even with the much more complicated LTNE theory. [393] continued the problem of [366] but they analysed the complete nonlinear three-dimensional situation.