The luminescence of the inorganic-organic hybrid nanoparticles ZrO(MFP) (MFP = methylfluorescein phosphate) and ZrO(RP) (RP = resorufin phosphate) was modified by addition of different rare earth halidesL nCl 3 .T he resulting composite materials form dispersible nanoparticles that exhibit modified nanoparticle fluorescenced epending on the rare earth ion. The resulting chromaticity of the luminescence is furtherv ariable by the employment of different solvents for ZrO(MFP)-based composite systems. The strong solvatochromic effect of the MFP chromophore leads to different luminescence chromaticities of the composite materi-als between green, yellow,a nd blue in THF,t oluene,a nd dichloromethane, respectively.T he luminescence of ZrO(RP)based composite particles can be modified between the red and blue spectralr egions in dependence on the applied reactiont emperature. Beside al uminescence shift that is derived from nanoparticle modification by LnCl 3 ,as trong turnon effect of ZrO(RP) particles results after contact with different Brønsted acids and basesi nc ombinationw ith ar espective chromaticity shift. Both effects enablet he potential employmentofsuch particles as highly sensitive opticalpHsensors.[a] Prof.[**] MFP = methylfluorescein phosphate, RP = resorufin phosphate.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: