Although the fifth-generation (5G) is not yet officially launched, researchers worldwide have turned to the sixth-generation (6G) communications system. The 3G has opened the gap to fourth-generation (4G). It will be the same for 5G, which will facilitate the path to 6G. The technology 5G provides a high-level infrastructure enabling various technologies such as autonomous cars, artificial intelligence, drone networking, mobile broadband communication, and, most importantly, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the concept of smart cities. We are, therefore, in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). However, as new technologies gain traction, networks become increasingly complex and difficult to pin down to keep networks operating at the level prescribed by evolving services. The ultimate goal of 6G is to move from the concept of the Internet of intelligent things to the new idea of the intelligent Internet of intelligent things. This article shows the features and tools of 6G technology that will help meet these traffic needs. Besides, we highlight the main feature of the 6G, in terms of architecture and services, scheduled as recommended by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in its current technical specifications and discussions on the latest research in this area.