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ABSTRACTThe IMPACCT, or Integrated Management of Power Aware Computation and Communication, program objectives are to enhance the power/performance tradeoff range and to correctly compose different component level power management techniques at the system level. Power and timing constraints can be used as knobs to tune the system for performance or power, without hardwiring to either goal. To maximize performance and resolve power "hot spots," we exploit systemlevel task motion under pair-wise timing and total power as constraints. A distinguishing feature of our work is our ability to handle co-activation, an essential property for the correct operation of these embedded systems. Furthermore, we propose mode selection as a generalized way for fully exploiting novel power management features provided by an increasingly intelligent class of power-aware components. They are capable of managing power and provide many more power modes. However, today's power management techniques often cannot take full advantage of these rich features, but instead they use only two or three modes (e.g., on/off). Our mode selection methodology models the dependency and produces a mode schedule that considers restricted transitions and overhead amortization.