Abstract-This paper presents an innovative multi-faceted architecture, named eWU-TV, that provides an energy efficient, user-centric, adaptive digital television (DTV) broadcast over WiFi. To cater to the varied properties of the user equipments (UEs), the proposed framework broadcasts DTV content in the form of scalable video coded content that is adapted to suit the subscribers' requirements. The user-centricity is in terms of UE device display size, user preferences for video quality profile based on device energy saving, and UE transmission technology support (DVB-T/H or Wi-Fi). Mathematical models on device battery discharge, QoE, and user preference are devised that closely approximate the results of device battery discharge experiments on DTV reception by heterogeneous devices over Wi-Fi/DVB-T, subjective video quality assessment study, and statistical survey of user preference. The proposed eWU-TV performance optimization framework is based on the developed models. The framework ensures that the adaptive scalable broadcast reception via Wi-Fi serves more number of users with higher quality of user experience and with provisions for significant device energy saving.