Nonequidistant sampling potentially enhances the performance/cost trade-off that is present in traditional equidistant sampling schemes. The aim of this paper is to develop a systematic feedback control design approach for systems that go beyond equidistant sampling. A loop-shaping design framework for such nonequidistantly sampled systems is developed that addresses both stability and performance. The framework only requires frequency response function measurements of the LTI system, whereas it appropriately addresses the linear periodically time-varying behavior introduced by the nonequidistant sampling. Experimental validation on a motion system demonstrates the superiority of the design framework for nonequidistantly sampled systems compared to traditional designs that rely on equidistant sampling.Flexible sampling potentially improves the performance/cost trade-off but is challenging from a control design perspective. In particular, flexible sampling of continuous-time LTI systems leads to linear periodically time-varying (LPTV) behavior. 3 Hence, typical frequency-domain control design techniques are not directly applicable. Most control designs for LPTV systems require a parametric model of the system, including pole placement, 10,11 linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control, linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control, 2 / ∞ approaches, 12-14 internal model principle, 15 and LTI approximations. 16 In addition, designs based on time-invariant reformulations are often based on parametric models, including Floquet-Lyapunov transformations, 17(section 1.2) and lifting approaches, 17(section 1.6) which enable the use of full state feedback, 18 pole placement, 19 model matching, 20 LQR, 21 LQG, 22 and 2 / ∞ control. 23,24 However, as is argued in the work of Oomen et al, 25 despite the availability of solid control theory, such model-based designs are demanding because (i) obtaining a parametric LPTV model is difficult and (ii) typical LTI interpretations are not valid, leading to complications for the actual design. 26,27 Although nonequidistant sampling has a large potential and the underlying theory has been substantially developed, at present, there is a lack of suitable control design techniques to address stability, performance, and robustness. The aim of this paper is to develop a nonparametric loop-shaping control design framework for nonequidistantly sampled systems based on frequency response function (FRF) measurements. Such a framework is well developed for traditional equidistantly sampled, single-variable systems. 2(section 2.6),28,29(chapter 6) The presented framework builds on the multirate approach in the works of Oomen et al, 25,30 exploits w-plane loop-shaping, 25(section 5.1) explicitly incorporates time-varying aspects, and addresses key objectives such as stability and performance.The main contribution of this paper is a framework for LPTV loop-shaping feedback control design based on FRF measurements, which enables to exploit nonequidistant sampling for improved control performance. This...