CF patients had significantly elevated total and polymorphonuclear neutrophil cell counts, whereas the concentrations of total protein and phospholipids did not differ from controls. The percentage of surface active phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol, and the concentration of surfactant protein A were significantly reduced in CF patients. Surfactant protein B was unchanged. Although the relative proportion of large aggregates was higher in CF, their surface active properties were inferior, as assessed in the pulsating bubble surfactometer. Because the capacity of CF lavage fractions to inhibit surfactant function was the same as that of controls, impaired minimal surface tension was more likely to be due to the biochemical alterations detected, than to inhibition of a wellfunctioning surfactant.The impaired pulmonary surfactant system in clinically stable patients with cystic fibrosis is in agreement with the view that surfactant dysfunction may contribute to lung disease in cystic fibrosis.