Comments on vitamin D and sensitization, asthma treatment, and lung function developmentAsthma is the common denominator for the first two reviews featured in this issue. Rossi et al. 1 comment and analyze the complex interactions between the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and the airway microbiota, highlighting the fact that viruses such as the RSV might increase the virulence of bacterial pathogens in the airways, but that also a disbalance in the airway microbiota may promote more severe RSV infections.The second review by a group of South-East Asian colleagues focusing on their regional area analyzes how the environment can contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis of asthma with an emphasis on prevention strategies. 2 The food-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is well known to you, but probably less when similar symptoms are provoked by drugs (DIES). Francesca Mori et al. 3 describe new cases and analyze the current literature with a focus on similarities and differences between FPIES and DIES.In the first original study selected in this editorial, Raquel Segovia-Orti and colleagues looked at the association between vitamin D status and allergen sensitization in a population of children living in the Balearic Islands. 4Logistic regression on data from 749 subjects after age adjustment showed that vitamin D deficiency was associated with sensitization to D. pteronyssinus and dog dander, whereas insufficient vitamin D was associated with cat dander and D. pteronyssinus sensitization. They conclude by suggesting that trials are needed to test the effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation against sensitization to specific allergens, rather than clinical symptoms.The role of dietary factors in allergy has been reported in several recent publications in PAI 5-7 ; in addition, the reader will find in recent publications investigations on the effect of vitamin D on the immune system, as well as on allergic diseases. 8-10 Additionally, you may find some interest to look at sensitization patterns reported recently in Northern Europe, and how they may differ from the Spanish study. 11