An 11-year-old, male neutered, domestic shorthair cat was referred with recurrence of unilateral epistaxis, approximately three years after radiotherapy treatment for low-grade nasal adenocarcinoma. A CT scan of the head showed a mass localised within the left nasal cavity invading the left maxillary bone. Maxillectomy was performed to allow removal of all visible neoplastic tissue and an oesophagostomy tube was placed after the procedure to facilitate feeding in the early postoperative period. During the first 24 hours after surgery, epistaxis was noted, and five days after maxillectomy, the nasal discharge became purulent so the cat was administered broad-spectrum antibiotic. The cat was discharged from hospital 11 days after surgery. The owner reported a good clinical outcome 12 months after surgery. Even though surgery is not the preferred treatment for nasal adenocarcinoma, this case report shows that surgery represents a reasonable treatment option to manage selected cases of recurrent nasal tumours after radiotherapy, and that a good outcome can be obtained despite all the pitfalls associated with this type of surgery in cats. No report discussing treatment options for locally recurrent non-lymphoproliferative nasal tumours in the cat has been published to date.