There is a paucity of studies that assess the influence of communication in facilitating educational change. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of communication for high school principals in the implementation of education reform. Overall, the study found that top-down communication strategy was more prevalent in high schools. These findings are consonant with complexity theory, which posits that self-organizing activities are best promoted by interactions and connection among staff members.L eadership literature suggests that the sustainability of education reform relies on leaders who initiate system change (Fullan, 2006). System change of schools can be accomplished by having school administrators foster networks between schools and communities (Fullan, 2001(Fullan, , 2006. This issue can be seen from the perspective of complexity theory. Schools are complex adaptive systems that undergo self-organization during educational change (Fullan, 2006). For example, at the college level, colleges face budgetary constraints and changes in the educational curriculum. Teachers begin to adjust their behavior by adapting to changes in the curriculum, the mode of instruction, and the stringent research requirements to cope with new government funding and college tenure policies. Following is another example at the pre-college level: In response to education reform that involves the school management structure, secondary schools revamp their communication structures by practicing distributed leadership to enhance the flow of information throughout the schools and thereby facilitate the connections among people. From this perspective, the quality of a complex adaptive school system lies in connection and interaction, such that individuals interact and cooperate with colleagues to enhance teaching and learning. In this sense, effective school leadership should enhance a spirit of collaboration and a participative culture for reform implementation. What are the factors that facilitate school leadership in reform implementation?