Romo PA, Wang C, Zeater N, Solomon SG, Dreher B. Phase sensitivities, excitatory summation fields, and silent suppressive receptive fields of single neurons in the parastriate cortex of the cat. J Neurophysiol 106: 1688 -1712, 2011. First published June 29, 2011 doi:10.1152/jn.00894.2010We have recorded single-neuron activity from cytoarchitectonic area 18 of anesthetized (0.4 -0.7% isoflurane in 65% N 2 O-35% O 2 gaseous mixture) domestic cats. Neurons were identified as simple or complex on the basis of the ratios between the phase-variant (F1) component and the mean firing rate (F0) of spike responses to optimized (orientation, direction, spatial and temporal frequencies, size) high-contrast, luminance-modulated, sinewave drifting gratings (simple: F1/F0 spike-response ratios Ͼ 1; complex: F1/F0 spike-response ratios Ͻ 1). The predominance (ϳ80%) of simple cells among the neurons recorded from the principal thalamorecipient layers supports the idea that most simple cells in area 18 might constitute a putative early stage in the visual information processing. Apart from the "spike-generating" regions (the classical receptive fields, CRFs), the receptive fields of threequarters of area 18 neurons contain silent, extraclassical suppressive regions (ECRFs). The spatial extent of summation areas of excitatory responses was negatively correlated with the strength of the ECRFinduced suppression of spike responses. Lowering the stimulus contrast resulted in an expansion of the summation areas of excitatory responses accompanied by a reduction in the strength of the ECRFinduced suppression. The spatial and temporal frequency and orientation tunings of the ECRFs were much broader than those of the CRFs. Hence, the ECRFs of area 18 neurons appear to be largely "inherited" from their dorsal thalamic inputs. In most area 18 cells, costimulation of CRFs and ECRFs resulted in significant increases in F1/F0 spike-response ratios, and thus there was a contextually modulated functional continuum between the simple and complex cells. luminance-modulated gratings; simple and complex cells; spatial and temporal properties; classical and extraclassical receptive fields; primary visual cortex HUBEL AND WIESEL (1965) postulated that in the domestic cat, the so-called parastriate cortex (cytoarchitectonic area 18 of Gurewitsch and Chatschaturian 1928; cf. Otsuka and Hässler 1962) constitutes a "higher order" visual cortical area (Fig.