Starting from a structural analysis of a solidified shell in a continuous casting conventional mold, the author developed a model that has now been adapted to simulate the solidification process also in the case of a funnel-shaped mold proposed for continuous casting of thin slabs. A rating of possible critical conditions in the stress level, suitable for producing cracks in longitudinal or transverse directions, is given by means of two separate cracking indices: L.C.1. (longitudinal cracking index) and T.C.1. (transverse cracking index). An analysis of the effect of a few variables on the basis of a total of 9 simulation runnings in different conditions, gave for the funnel-shaped mold the following summarized results: In comparison with a prismatic mold, casting at the same casting rate (2 m/min) and for the same product dimensions (50 mm x 1000 mm), the funnel-shaped mold behaves similarly in the corner area but less well in the center of the broad face where longitudinal cracking susceptibility is concerned. However, no significant differences result concerning transversal cracking susceptibility. Cracking risk, both transversal and longitudinal, diminishes tremendously with increasing casting rate. Cracking susceptibility when employing the funnel-shaped mold is very sensitive to small variations in the "shape" of the curved mold walls, particularly for longitudinal cracking. The effect of changing taper is not large as the gap on the short side of the mold is preserved. When the gap, on the short side, as a consequence of an excessive taper, almost disappears, in some part of the mold a great pressure concentration on the same side in the corner region is produced. The drawing action, arising on the shell because of friction, results in high shear stresses and possible cracks at the corner. Limits and reliability of the model, which depend on knowledge of high temperature steel properties, are discussed. Thermomechanisches Verhalten der erstarrten Strangschale in einer trlchterfbrmlqen Kokille zum StranggieBen dunner Brammen. Ausgehend von der Strukturanalyse einer in einer konventionellen StranggieBkokilie erstarrten Schale hat der Autor ein Modell entwickelt, das jetzt angewendet wurde, um den ErstarrungsprozeB auch fur trlchtertorrniqe Kokillen zu simulieren, die zum StranggieBen dOnner Brammen vorgeschlagen werden. Eine Bewertung rnoqlicher krltischer Bedingungen in der Spannungsebene, die Ursache fOr die Entstehung von Rissen in t.anqsund Querrichtungen sein konnen, wird durch zwei verschiedene RiBindices dargestellt: L.C.1. (LangsriB), T.C.1. (QuerriB). Eine Analyse des Einflusses einiger Variablen, auf der Basis von 9 Simulationsdurchlauten unter verschiedenen Bedingungen, ergab fur die trichtertorrniqe Kokille die folgenden zusammengefaBten Ergebnisse: 1m Vergleich mit einer prtsrnenformiqen Kokille verhalt sich die trtchtertorrnlqe -bei gleicher GieBgeschwindigkeit (2 m/min) und gleichen Produktabmessungen (50 x 1 000 mm) -in den Eckenbereichen ahnllch, in der MiUe des aufgeweiteten Bereichs aber ...