Animals actively acquire sensory information from the outside world, with rodents sniffing to smell and whisking to feel. Licking, a rapid motor sequence used for gustation, serves as the primary means of controlling stimulus access to taste receptors in the mouth. Using a novel taste-quality discrimination task in head-restrained mice, we measured and compared reaction times to four basic taste qualities (salt, sour, sweet, and bitter) and found that certain taste qualities are perceived inherently faster than others, driven by the precise biomechanics of licking and functional organization of the peripheral gustatory system. The minimum time required for accurate perception was strongly dependent on taste quality, ranging from the sensory-motor limits of a single lick (salt, ϳ100 ms) to several sampling cycles (bitter, Ͼ500 ms). Further, disruption of sensory input from the anterior tongue significantly impaired the speed of perception of some taste qualities, with little effect on others. Overall, our results show that active sensing may play an important role in shaping the timing of taste-quality representations and perception in the gustatory system.
IntroductionAnimals acquire information about their environment through active sensing. Rodents use rapid stereotyped behaviors such as sniffing and whisking to sample olfactory and tactile stimuli, with neural activity in these systems precisely aligned to the cycles of sampling behavior (Hill et al., 2011;Shusterman et al., 2011; Wachowiak, 2011). In the gustatory system, taste stimuli are sensed through the active process of licking, a rapid and stereotyped behavior that is the gustatory analog of sniffing in olfaction (Travers et al., 1997). During licking, taste stimuli are actively pulled into the mouth by the animal, creating a natural and sequential flow of information beginning from the tip of the tongue and following throughout the oral cavity (Reis et al., 2010). Although a prerequisite for tasting, the role of licking in shaping sensory processing in the gustatory system is poorly understood due in part to the use of a variety of experimental methods for delivering liquid taste stimuli that circumvent or alter the natural sequence of events associated with licking and active sensing (Katz et al., 2002b;MacDonald et al., 2009). Injection of liquid stimuli into the mouth of alert animals via intra-oral cannulas (IOCs) or pressurized lick spouts provides a rapid and reliable method of stimulus delivery for studying taste coding and perception. However, pressurized lick spouts and IOCs add a degree of passivity into the active process of tasting, potentially obscuring important aspects of gustatory sensory processing. Unlike other sensory systems that transmit information from the receptor organ to the brain through a single nerve, neural information about taste is brought into the brain by three separate nerves with anatomically and functionally distinct receptive fields (Shingai and Beidler, 1985; Spector and Travers, 2005; Spector and Glendinning,...