An experiment was conducted to evaluate the varying organic and inorganic nutrient sources on fodder cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] in the kharif of 2017 at ICAR- NDRI, Karnal. The result revealed that application of 100% RDF (N,P,K) along with biofertilizers (rhizobium, PSB, potassium and zinc solubilizer bacteria) (T6) gave significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in plant height (204.6 cm), primary branches (6.1), root length (24.47 cm), green matter yield (334.5 q ha-1), CGR (8.13 g m-2 day-1), RGR (4.68 g g-1 day-1), K content (1.45%) in plant, P uptake (23.01 kg ha-1) and K uptake (86.04 kg ha-1) and available Zn status (0.465 ppm) in soil, after harvesting of the crop. However, N content (2.93%) in plant, N uptake (172.51 kg ha-1) and Zn uptake (192.03 g ha-1) was maximum with the application of 66.67% RDF along with biofertilizers consortium (T7). Application of 100% RDF along with PSB (T3) recorded highest number of nodule (33), P content in plant (0.389%) and available P status (24.76 g ha-1) in soil, after harvest. Further studies that, available N status (208.03 kg h-1), K status (221.27 kg ha-1) in soil, after harvest and Zn content (33.31 ppm) in plant were significantly higher with these treatments like T8 -15 N, 60 P2O5, 40 K2O kg ha-1 along with rhizobium, T4 -100% RDF along with K solubilizer and T11 -FYM 5 t ha -1 with biofertilizers, respectively. In context of the economics of fodder cowpea production, highest gross return (Rs. 53525 ha-1) was obtained from T6 while maximum net return (Rs. 31351 ha-1) and benefit-cost ratio (1.45) were worked out maximum with the treatment T7.