This study investigated reduction of microbial population, water soluble pigment, capsanthin content, surface color (Hunter L, a, b, ∆E), and sensory properties of pepper powder by LED (red, yellow, blue, green) treatments. LED (red, yellow, blue, green) treatment were conducted in 1,000 lux storage at 25 o C for 10 days. The total aerobic bacteria was no significant difference among the control and treated with LED during 10 days. In yellow LED treatment, yeast and molds were decreased about 1.76 log. Surface color such as lightness (L), redness (a), yellowness (b) were showed a decreasing tendency as the storage period. In the overall color difference (∆E) of yellow LED treatment was lower less than 3.0. Water soluble pigment was no difference in control and LED treated samples during storage period. Capsanthin content was significantly decreased as storage period was increased, but no significant differences were observed among red and yellow LED treatments. Sensory properties of control was significantly reduced by storage period but yellow and green LED treatments were no significantly differences.