Background: Green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] is the 3rd major pulse crop of India but low yield in green gram largely due to the use of poor quality seed in rainfed condition, inadequate crop management and cultivation in inhospitable soils. Seed priming with biofertilizers recorded better germination, crop growth and seed yield in pulse crops. The present trial was conducted to study the efficacy of seed treatment with different biofertilizers on growth and yield of green gram. Methods: The present study was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Balasore (OUAT) at Ganja and Basulidiga village of Basta block of Balasore district during Rabi 2021 and 2022. The trial was carried out through randomized block design consisting of four treatments viz. T1: Farmer practice (hydro priming); T2: Biopriming with liquid Rhizobium 5%; T3: Biopriming with liquid PSB 5% and T4: Biopriming with Pseudomonas 5%, replicated seven times. Growth attributes, yield components, yield and economics were studied. Result: The results of the trial revealed that, biopriming with liquid Rhizobium 5% produced the highest plant height, number of nodule per plant and seed yield values during the year 2021 and 2022 than biopriming with PSB, Pseudomonas and control. The Study helps to improve the seed quality with the help of seed priming treatments which is cost effective for the farmer.