Records of age at puberty (AAP) and duration of the postpartum interval to estrus (PPI) for heifers calving first at 2 yr of age were used to determine the relationship between the two reproductive traits. The study from which these records were obtained was designed in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Angus x Hereford (AH; n = 148) and Brahman x Hereford (BH; n = 148) heifers were allotted within breed after weaning by weight into light (LW) and heavy (HW) weight blocks. Heifers were assigned by age to different levels of energy (low or high) in diets calculated to reach a target weight of 55% (LE) or 65% (HE) of their projected mature weight by the onset of the breeding period. Data were analyzed within breed and included only records for which both AAP and PPI were available. Pearson correlation coefficients for AAP to PPI were r = -.12 (P = .20) and r = .05 (P = .71) for AH and BH, respectively. Eliminating animals that experienced dystocia from the analyses yielded correlations of r = -.27 (P = .02) and r = .06 (P = .65) for Ah (n = 69) and BH (n = 51), respectively. When energy level, weight block, and energy level x weight block were included in the model for PPI, analyses of variance indicated that PPI among AH heifers was influenced most by the weight at which heifers began the trial after weaning (P = .01) but not by energy level (P = .23) or the interaction of energy level x weight block (P = .48).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)