We examined the initial effects of brush cutting (removal of all aboveground biomass), as well as clipping (removal of current annual shoots) and ungulate browsing (collectively referred to as shoot removal) on the morphology and nutrient quality of Scouler's willow (Salix scouleriana J. Barratt ex Hook.) for ungulates on sites 2 and 4 years after brush cutting. We specifically assessed changes in the biomass, tannin content, digestible energy, and digestible protein of shoots from brush-cut willows relative to shoots of uncut willows to determine how browse plants respond to this form of vegetation management. In winter, the resprouted current annual shoots of willows that had been brush cut were larger in mass and lower in digestible protein than shoots of uncut willows for at least 4 years after brush cutting. Shoots of brush-cut willows were also lower in tannin and digestible energy than the shoots of uncut plants for two winters after brush cutting. In the second winter after brush cutting, shoot biomass decreased and tannin content increased with increasing shoot removal during the previous winter. In the fourth winter after brush cutting, shoot mass increased and digestible energy decreased in shoots with greater shoot removal. Nutrient quality was otherwise unaffected by the amount of shoot removal during the previous winter. Because of the occasional importance of site effects in this study, we recommend that long-term studies maximize the number of sampled sites. Because brush cutting alters the quality of regenerating browse and can affect how ungulates utilize such browse for several years after brush cutting, we further recommend that forest vegetation managers consider potential impacts of brush cutting on ungulate winter range. Resumen Examinamos los efectos iniciales del corte de arbustos (remoción de toda la biomasa aérea), corte (remoción del crecimiento del añ o en curso), y el ramoneo por ungulados (referidos colectivamente como remoción de ramas) sobre la morfología y calidad de nutrientes del Scouler's willow (Salix scouleriana J. Barratt ex Hook.) para los ungulados en sitios con 2 y 4 añ os posteriores al corte de arbustos. Específicamente evaluamos los cambios de la biomasa, contenido de taninos, energía y proteína digestibles de las ramas de ''Scouler's willow'' con corte de arbustos en relación a ramas de ''Scouler's willow'' sin corte de arbustos (sin corte) para determinar como las plantas responden a esta forma de manejo de la vegetación. En invierno, las ramas rebrotadas en el añ o en curso de plantas de ''Scouler's willow'' que habían recibido corte de arbusto fueron superiores en biomasa y más bajas en proteína digestible que las ramas sin corte, al menos cuatro añ os despue´s del corte de arbustos. Durante los dos inviernos posteriores al corte de arbustos, las ramas de ''Scouler's willow'' con corte de arbusto tambie´n presentaron contenidos más bajos de taninos y energía digestible que las ramas de plantas sin corte. En el segundo invierno despue´s del corte, la biomasa de las...