Although the pairing glue for the attractive quasiparticle interaction responsible for unconventional superconductivity in heavy-electron materials has been identified as the spin fluctuations that arise from their proximity to a magnetic quantum critical point, there has been no model to describe their superconducting transition at temperature T c that is comparable to that found by Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (BCS) for conventional superconductors, where phonons provide the pairing glue. Here we propose such a model: a phenomenological BCS-like expression for T c in heavy-electron materials that is based on a simple model for the effective range and strength of the spin-fluctuation-induced quasiparticle interaction and reflects the unusual properties of the heavy-electron normal state from which superconductivity emerges. We show that it provides a quantitative understanding of the pressure-induced variation of T c in the "hydrogen atoms" of unconventional superconductivity, CeCoIn 5 and CeRhIn 5 , predicts scaling behavior and a dome-like structure for T c in all heavy-electron quantum critical superconductors, provides unexpected connections between members of this family, and quantifies their variations in T c with a single parameter.B ecause the unconventional superconductivity found in many heavy-electron materials arises at the border of antiferromagnetic long-range order, it is natural to consider the possibility that its physical origin is its proximity to a quantum critical point that marks a transition from localized to itinerant behavior, and that the associated magnetic quantum critical spin fluctuations provide the pairing glue (1-5), in contrast to conventional superconductors, where phonons provide the pairing glue (6). However, developing a simple physical picture for the behavior of such quantum critical superconductors, including a Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (BCS)-like expression for their superconducting transition temperature (T c ), has proven difficult. In part, this is because of the unusual normal state from which superconductivity emerges (7-12), and in part it stems from the difficulty in finding a simple model for an effective frequency-dependent attractive quasiparticle interaction that closely resembles that proposed earlier for the cuprates (13-17).In finding a way to characterize heavy-electron quantum critical superconductivity it is helpful to begin by recalling the principal features of its remarkably similar emergence in two of the best-studied materials, CeCoIn 5 and CeRhIn 5 (18-23). As may be seen in Fig. 1, there are three distinct regions of emergent heavyelectron superconductivity in their pressure-temperature phase diagrams that are defined by a line marking the delocalization cross-over temperature, T L , at which the collective hybridization of the local moments becomes complete and the Néel temperature, T N , that marks the onset of long-range antiferromagnetic order of the hybridized local moments.Region I: T c ≤ T L . Superconductivity emerges from a full...