We studied the effect of maternal administration at various
intervals of betamethasone, triiodothyronine (T3), or both, on
fetal rat lung maturation. T(3) alone did not enhance choline
incorporation to phosphatidylcholine by 20-day fetal lung
expiants, or morphometric lung maturation. Betamethasone,
and betamethasone plus T(3), increased both of those parameters
over control and T(3) values. However, addition of T(3)
offered no advantage over administration of betamethasone
alone. Significant enhancement of morphometric lung maturation
was already present after only 24 h of exposure to betamethasone,
or to the combination of hormones. However,
choline incorporation to phosphatidylcholine only increased
significantly by 36 h of exposure to betamethasone with or
without T(3).