Tylose gel containing 400 jug prostaglandin E 2 in 3 ml gel was injected into the cervical canal of 20 patients with high-risk pregnancy and indication for induction of labor, but with unfavorable cervix. Ten were studied after the first gel application, five during repeat injection, and five after application of gel without PGE 2 . Blood samples were drawn serially during the first 8 hours for determination of oxytocin and 13,14-dihydro,15-ketoprostaglandin-F 2a (PGFM). The PGE 2 gel increased the Bishop score within 8 hours in all patients; in half of them, artificial rupture of the membranes could be performed and labor induced without further gel application; in the others, it was repeated every 8 hours until a Bishop score of > 8 was achieved. Fourteen of the 15 PGE 2 -induced patients delivered vaginally.Mean PGFM levels did not increase significantly during the 8 hours of observation, but in patients who responded with rapid progression, an increase was seen after cervical dilation was 6 cm or more. The mean oxytocin levels increased within 60 minutes after PGE 2 application and were increased for the remaining observation period. Application of inactive gel had no effect on cervical ripening nor on oxytocin or PGFM levels.(54