To observe the complementary effects, whole body of the male wild Indian house rat, Rattus rattus was irradiated with X-rays at 100 r, 200 r, 300 r and 500 r (single dose) doses. The changes in the histophysiological parameters of the testis were observed after 2, 7, 15 and 30 days of post treatment. Determination of biochemical parameters: ascorbic acid, cholesterol, acid and alkaline phosphatases in the testicular tissues indicated that concentrations of ascorbic acid and cholesterol (2 to 15 days post treatment) had increased while acid and alkaline phosphatases (2-30 days) had decreased. Changes in these parameters were observed in all four X-ray treated groups (100 r, 200 r, 300 r and 500 r). The histochemical study of the different X-ray treated groups clearly showed the intense accumulation of lipid substances and depletion of acid, alkaline phosphatases, 5-3-HSDH and 17-HSDH in the testicular tissues of 7 to 30 day-post treated groups exposed to 300 r and 500 r X-irradiation. In view of the changes observed in the testicular tissues, it is likely that a single dose of X-ray may cause certain histophysiological changes in the testis of wild rodents at least for certain periods. As a single dose of Xrays of 200r or 300r was sufficient to cause sterility in male rats, this may be included as a controlling agent that adversely effect the fertility of the rodent pests. Possible mode of action is discussed.