Outbreaks of pests are considered one of the most destructive types of natural forest disorders. In recent years the severity of such outbreaks has rapidly increased due to the process of global warming, which affects the rate of reproduction of pests and the range of their natural distribution. Economic consequences of these types of disturbances are of particular importance. Though many studies have been conducted in the field of tree phytophages ecology, the issues of estimating economic damage and the formation of mechanisms for its minimization have been poorly studied. This article presents a review of studies on the problem of the harmful effects of forest pests classified by their localization. The area of study includes mainly boreal forests located in a number of European countries, the USA, Canada and Russia. Our study reviews the range of instruments applied to prevent disturbances mentioned above and mitigate corresponding negative consequences. Despite the fact that there are theoretical approaches to the analysis of the economic consequences of forest damage by pests, they still cannot find practical application