Crack extension paths are often irregular, producing rough fracture surfaces which have a fractal geometry. In this paper, crack tip motion along a fractal crack trace is analysed. A fractal kinking model of the crack extension path is established to describe irregular crack growth. A formula is derived to describe the effects of fractal crack propagation on the dynamic stress intensity factor and on crack velocity. The ratio of the dynamic stress intensity factor to the applied stress intensity factor K(L(D, t), V)/K(L(t), 0), is a function of apparent crack velocity Vo, microstructure parameter d/Aa (grain size/crack increment step length), fractal dimension D, and fractal kinking angle of crack extension path O. For fractal crack propagation, the apparent (or measured) crack velocity Vo, cannot approach the Rayleigh wave speed Cr. Why Vo is significantly lower than Cr in dynamic fracture experiments can be explained by the effects of fractal crack propagation. The dynamic stress intensity factor and apparent crack velocity are strongly affected by the microstmcture parameter (d/Aa), fractal dimension D, and fractal kinking angle of crack extension path O. This is in good agreement with experimental findings.
I n t r o d u c t i o nStudies of crack propagation in a material under dynamic and static loading are of considerable importance, but are very difficult. Much of the previous research on crack propagation has been reviewed by Freund [1]. A number of critical issues, particularly some of the discrepancies between experimental findings and theoretical predictions, however, remain to be fully resolved [2]. For example, observed maximum crack velocities, Vo, in most materials are significantly lower than (typically about half of), the theoretically predicted terminal crack velocity (the Rayleigh wave speed Cr). Under high rates of loading with the large stresses, the dynamic stress intensity factor, K ( L ( D , t), V), predicted from theory agrees with the experimentally measured result only up to the time of crack propagation. A probable reason for the differences between observed and theoretical results is that current theories of dynamic fracture assume crack extension along a straight line, whereas, crack propagation is usually along an irregular trace, producing rough fracture surfaces [2][3][4][5][6][7]. Watanabe [6], Goldstein and Lewandowski [7], Guo [2] and Xie and Sanderson [23] have considered the effects of the roughness of crack surfaces on crack extension velocity and on dynamic stress intensity. Guo [2]proposed a wave-crack model to describe the effects of curved crack propagation. Such results indicate that it is difficult to obtain the quantitative agreement between theoretical and experimental results using current theories of dynamic fracture.The theory of fractals has been introduced in many sciences since Mandelbrot [8]. Whereas classical geometry provides an approximation to the structure of physical objects, fractal geometry is an extension of it, and it can be used to describe precisel...