IntroductionThe concentration of C 0 2 in the atmosphere has been increasing in the two last centuries from about 280 ppm to a present value of 360 ppm, and is expected to reach more than twice the pre-indu strial concentration in the next century (Houghton et al., 1990). The increasing concentrations COz might be expected to have substantial impacts on plants and vegetation through changes caused to photosynthesis and other physiological processes (Drake et al., 1997). Variations in atmospheric C 0 2 concentration are nothing new. Evidence from air trapped in polar ice shows that C 0 2 con centration fell to 180-200 ppm during the Pleisto cene glaciations, rising to around 280 ppm during the interglacials (Barnola et al., 1987), and C 0 2 concentrations were higher during some earlier geological periods (Berner, 1998). What is new is that the present increase appears to be driven by human activity through burning of fossil fuels and clearance of forest, that it is faster than most changes that have taken place in the geologically recent past, that it has already reached levels hith erto unknown in Pleistocene and recent times, and that our own and immediately succeeding genera tions will have to cope with whatever conse quences it may bring.Over the last few years an enormous body of experimental data has become available on the re sponses of non-DT plants to elevated concentra tions of C 0 2 (see recently published comprehen sive reviews and books, e.g. Körner and Bazzaz, 1996; Drake et al., 1997; Raschi et al., 1997 and references cited). Reports on the changes in non-DT plant responses (physiology, growth, pro duction and ecology) have shown various patterns. The responses of plants growing under elevated C 0 2 largely depend on the type and degree of physiological acclimation to the high C 0 2 environ ment. Elevated tropospheric C 0 2 level affects photosynthesis most directly, therefore studies generally concentrate on photosynthesis and its acclimation.The most extreme tolerance of water loss occurs in the desiccation-tolerant (DT) or 'resurrection' plants (Gaff, 1989), which can survive the loss of 8 0 -9 5 % or more of their cell water content, so that the plants appear completely dry and no li quid phase remains in their cells. After a shorter or longer period in the desiccated state, they re vive and resume normal metabolism on remoisten ing (Oliver and Bewley, 1997;Proctor, 1981). This is a qualitatively different phenomenon from drought tolerance as ordinarily understood in higher-plant physiology. Physiologically, D T plants function in ways that are significantly different from vascular plants. DT plants have in general evolved physiological adaptions to intermittent supply of water, rather than structural adaptions for maintaining a constant water supply (Proctor, 1981(Proctor, , 1982Tuba et al., 1998a). The D T plants are metabolically active when water is available, and when water is lacking their life is suspended.D T plants span a wide range of adaptation. Poikilochlorophyllous DT (PD T) spec...