The study involved 169 people, of which 33 were practically healthy, 69 had bronchial asthma, 24 had bronchial asthma combined with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 35 had COPD and 8 had community-acquired pneumonia. We assessed the presence of IgE to tick allergens, dust allergens, and the combined allergens of grass, trees, weeds and flower pollen. We determined the presence of IgE and IgG to the allergens Strept. рneumon., Haemofil. influenzae, Neisseria рerflava and Staph. аureus. We assessed the presence, multiplicity, severity and combination of sensitisation to the presence of specialised IgE towards infectious and atopic allergens. All study groups displayed sensitisation, including heaslthy people and patients with COPD and community-acquired pneumonia, who did not show clinical allergy symptoms. A statistically significant direct correlation was established between IgG and IgE to Strept. Pneumoniae and Haemofilus influenza in healthy subjects and those with pulmonary conditions. The IgE or IgG reaction to Neisseria perflava and Staph. аureus did not show a significant correlation in either healthy or affected subjects.Keywords: sensitization, allergy, mild bronchial asthma, immunoglobulin, allergen, food, industry, drug-related and other allergens, and every year new names are added to this list. The 15 most clinically common allergens are considered to be the main ones with diagnostic complexes being created for sensitisation diagnosis, which use specialised IgE. Using skin samples with airborne allergens, the rates of sensitisation in patients with BA varies between 51% and 81.9%. 16 The main fundamental mechanism of sensitisation is the formation of specialised IgE.17 There is a correlation between levels of specialised IgE, total IgE, the results of skin allergy testing, and BA severity.18 Patients with mild and moderate BA have a significant correlation between levels of specialised IgE to non-infectious allergens and the results of skin tests, the acetylcholine inhalation test, and the exhaled nitric oxide content.
19It is important to note that sensitisation and the related appearance of antigen-specific IgE antibodies is not necessarily accompanied by clinical allergy symptoms. 20 Therefore, sensitisation that manifests as an increased content of specialised class IgE antibodies can occur in people without allergy symptoms, including practically healthy people, as well as in people with allergies. An allergy is the combination of sensitisation (increased number of antigen-specific IgE antibodies) and clinical signs of an allergic condition.
21The sensitivity to airborne allergens does not decrease with time. 19 The biochemical properties of allergens and the sensitivity of respiratory epithelium to their active components can increase the permeability of the respiratory mucous membrane to respiratory allergens. Many allergens contain serine, cysteine and other proteases, which disrupt the barrier function of the respiratory epithelium and increase the allergenic effect of respirat...