Rimiterol hydrobromide, a ,B-adrenoceptor stimulating drug, is a member of a new series of sympathomimetic amines cycized about the a-carbon atom. Studies in man have demonstrated rimiterol to be an effective short-acting bronchodilator by the inhalational and parenteral routes of administration, with a high degree of 12 -adrenoceptor selectivity (Griffin & Turner, 1971; Prime, Kamburoff & Gunthner, 1971; Phillips, Woolnough, Marinova & Turner, 1972; Svedmyr, Malmberg & Thiringer, 1972;Griffin, Williams & Maughan, 1973; Shenfield & Paterson, 1973;Cooke, Kerr, Willey, Hoare, Grant & Crompton, 1974;Evans, Shenfield, Thomas, Walker & Paterson, 1974;Bianco, Kamburoff & Prime, 1975; Marlin & Turner, 1975a, b & c Figure 1. The % FEV1 increases from control after all the doses of the drugs were significantly greater than those after placebo (P < 0.01). There was no significant difference between the ventilatory responses after 1, 2 and 4 inhalations of each drug. However, the % FEV1 increases after 8 and 16 inhalations of salbutamol were significantly greater than those after rimiterol (P < 0,05). The mean, peak heart rate changes from control after the cumulative doses of all the treatments are shown in Table 1