Interaural time and intensity differences (ITD and IID) are processed independently in the owl's auditory system. This paper examines whether this independence is established in nucleus laminaris (NL), the first site of ITD processing. A plot of discharge rate against time difference (ITD curve) is sinusoidal in NL. The ITDs that produce the peaks are called the most favorable ITDs, and those that produce the troughs are called the least favorable ITDs. IID had little effect on the discharge rates of laminaris neurons for the most and least favorable ITDs. The degree of peak-trough modulation changed slightly with variation in IID. In contrast, IID in tonal stimuli affected the temporal aspect of ITD curves depending on the difference between the stimulus frequency and the neuron's best frequency (BF). For frequencies below BF, IID caused large and systematic shifts in ITD toward the ear in which the sound was louder, whereas for frequencies above BF, IID caused small shifts in ITD toward the opposite ear. IID had little effect on ITD curves taken with BF or broadband noise. These results can be largely accounted for by the effects of frequency and intensity on the timing of impulses at the level of the cochlear nuclei. Thus, the processing of ITD by NL neurons is independent of IID for behaviorally relevant stimuli, because the timing of impulses is insensitive to sound level when the signal is broadband.
Key words: owl; sound localization; nucleus laminaris; interaural time difference; interaural intensity difference; parallel pathwaysParallel processing of information is an important operation in many sensory systems (see, for example, owl's auditory system: Takahashi et al., 1984; monkey visual system: Maunsell et al., 1990;Merigan and Maunsell, 1993; fish electrosensory system: Heiligenberg, 1991). The barn owl's auditory brainstem offers a relatively simple system in which to analyze the relationship between parallel pathways. The owl uses interaural time and intensity differences (ITD and IID) for sound localization (Moiseff, 1989b). The independence of these cues is important for the species, because they code for different spatial coordinate axes, ITD mainly for azimuth and IID mainly for elevation. ITD and IID are processed in separate parallel pathways that start at the level of the cochlear nucleus. The avian auditory system has two anatomically and physiologically distinct cochlear nuclei, nucleus magnocellularis (NM) and nucleus angularis (NA). NM neurons lack dendrites and contain end bulbs of Held, whereas NA neurons have dendrites and bouton-type synapses (Parks, 1981;Jhaveri and Morest, 1982;Takahashi and Konishi, 1988a;Carr and Boudreau, 1993). NM neurons show phase locking, whereas NA neurons do not except for very low frequencies (Sachs and Sinnott, 1978;Sullivan and Konishi, 1984a;Konishi et al., 1985;Warchol and Dallos, 1990). The time-and intensity-processing pathways converge in the inferior colliculus, where neurons selective for combinations of ITD and IID are found. Partial inactivat...