Background: Decreased levels of repressor element-1 silencing transcription (REST) factor in the brain, plasma, and neuronderived exosomes are associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Objective: The objective of the study was to test the viability of serum REST as a possible blood-based biomarker for AD, comparing serum REST levels in AD patients from a National Institute of Health in Mexico City (with different levels of severity and comorbidities), with elderly controls (EC) and young controls (YC). Methods: We used an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine serum REST levels in AD patients (n = 28), EC (n = 19), and YC (n = 24); the AD patients were classified by dementia severity and comorbidities (depression and microangiopathy) using clinimetric tests and magnetic resonance imaging. Results: Mean serum REST levels did not differ between AD patients, EC, and YC. The severity of AD and the presence of depression or microangiopathy were not associated with serum REST levels. Conclusion: Our results differ from previously published patterns found for plasma and cerebral REST levels. Free serum REST levels may not be a viable AD blood-based biomarker. (REV INVEST CLIN.