Transthoracic esophagectomy (TT) has been championed as a better cancer operation than transhiatal esophagectomy (TH) because the approach facilitates meticulous wide tumor excision and lymphadenectomy. However, neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRTS) and chemotherapy (CS) have been reported to improve outcomes, and we aimed to compare outcomes after multimodal therapy related to the operative approach. One hundred and fifty-one consecutive patients were studied prospectively. All patients were staged with computed tomography and endoluminal ultrasound, and treatment decisions were related to stage and performance status. One hundred and nineteen TT (median age 58 years, 92 male, 54 CRTS, 65 CS) were performed compared to 32 TH (median age 57 year, 27 male, 14 CRTS, 18 CS). Primary outcome measure was survival. Post-operative morbidity and mortality were 54% and 4%, respectively, after TT compared with 59% and 6% after TH (chi2 0.239 df 1, P=0.625). Recurrent cancer was no less frequent after TT (52%) than after TH (37.5%, chi2 2.151 df=1, P=0.142). Cumulative uncorrected 5-year survival was 34% after TT compared with 53% after TH (log rank 1.44, df=1, P=0.2298). Median survival was also similar in lymph node positive patients (TT vs. TH, 23 months vs. 22 months, respectively, log rank 0.25, df=1, P=0.6199). Despite the fact that patients receiving multimodal therapy and a TH esophagectomy were less fit, operative morbidity, mortality and recurrence were similar, and survival did not differ significantly when compared with multimodal TT esophagectomy.