Parkinson is a neurodegenerative disease whose principal symptomatology includes several symptoms. The treatment entails oral medication or deep brain stimulation. The former decreases its beneficial effects while increases the adverse effects with the time of use. On the other hand, deep brain stimulation depends on a device implanted into the brain that performs a continuous stimulation on the damaged area and whose battery needs to be replaced after few years.Local field potentials were recorded in the subthalamic nucleus of 10 Parkinsonian patients, who were diagnosed with tremor-dominant PD and underwent surgery for the implantation of a neurostimulator.In this work we design a tool that learns to recognize the principal symptom of this disease, tremor. The goal of the designed system is to be able to detect when the patient is suffering a tremor episode. A demand driven stimulation would perform a more intelligent use of the device, stimulating only when it is necessary.Measured LFP signals were preprocessed by means of down sampling, filtering, normalization, rectification and windowing. Then, two synchronization measures are implemented and evaluated on our dataset. These measures inform us about the synchronization level between the subthalamic and the muscular activity. The results of evaluating the indexes on each windows represent the inputs to the designed system. Finally, a fuzzy inference system is applied for tremor detection. Results are favourable, reaching accuracies higher than 98.7% in the 70% of the patients.