We give a comprehensive discussion on high-resolution image reconstruction based on tight frame. We first present the tight frame filters arising from the problem of high-resolution image reconstruction and the associated matrix representation of the filters for various boundary extensions. We then propose three algorithms for high-resolution image reconstruction using the designed tight frame filters and show analytically the properties of these algorithms. Finally, we numerically illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms for natural images.
High-Resolution Image Reconstruction ModelThe problem of high-resolution image reconstruction is to reconstruct a high-resolution (HR) image from multiple, under-sampled, shifted, degraded and noisy frames where each frame differs from the others by some sub-pixel shifts. The problem arises in a variety of scientific, medical, and engineering applications. The earliest study of HR image reconstruction was motivated by the need to improve the resolution of images from Landsat image data. In [28], Huang and Tsay used the frequency domain approach to demonstrate the improved reconstruction image from several down-sampled noise-free images. Later on, Kim el al. [30] generalized this idea to noisy and blurred images. Both methods in [28,30] are computational efficiency, but, they are prone to model errors, and that limits their use [1]. Statistical methods have appeared recently for super-resolution image reconstruction problems. In this direction, tools such as a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator with the Huber-Markov random field prior and a Gibbs image prior are proposed in [25,43]. In particular, the task of simultaneous image registration and super-resolution image reconstruction are studied in [25,45]. Iterative spatial domain methods are one popular class of methods for solving the problems of resolution enhancement [3,21,22,23,27,31,32,36,38,39,41]. The problems are formulated as Tikhonov regularization. A great deal of work has been devoted to the efficient calculation of the reconstruction and the estimation of the associated hyperparameters by taking advantage of the inherent structures in the HR system matrix. Bose and Boo [3] used a block semi-circulant matrix decomposition in order to calculate the MAP reconstruction. Ng et al. [36] and Ng and Yip [37] proposed a fast discrete cosine transform based approach for HR image reconstruction with Neumann boundary condition. Nguyen et al. [40,41] also addressed the problem of efficient calculation. The proper choice of the regularization