The question of the possibility of restoring information about a group by its lower layer, that is, by the set of its elements of prime orders, is considered. The question is classical for mathematical modeling: restoration of the missing information about the object from the part of the preserved data. A group is said to be recognizable from the bottom layer under additional conditions if it is uniquely reconstructed from the bottom layer under these conditions. A group G is said to be almost recognizable from the bottom layer under additional conditions if there exists a finite number of pairwise nonisomorphic groups satisfying these conditions, with the same bottom layer as the group G. A group G is called unrecognizable from the bottom layer under additional conditions if there is an infinite the number of pairwise non-isomorphic groups that satisfy these conditions and have the same bottom layer as the group G. Results are given on the recognition of groups by the bottom layer in various classes of groups. The concept of recognizability by the lower layer was introduced by analogy with the actively studied recognizability by spectrum, that is, by the set of orders of group elements. In this paper, we consider groups that, without a single element, coincide with their bottom layer. Examples of groups with these conditions in the classes of Abelian and non-Abelian groups are given. The properties of such groups are established. The results can be applied when encoding information in space communications.