A retrospective study of 11 patients with facial paralysis was undertaken. Correction of lagophthalmos was accomplished by inserting a dental gold weight into the upper eyelid. All weights were assessed and adjusted to fit the patient's individual need. The primary objective was to achieve adequate eyelid closure and corneal protection. The advantages and disadvantages we experienced with this procedure are discussed.Paralysis of the facial nerve causes a variety of functional and cosmetic disabilities. These may include exposure of the eye, asymmetry of facial expression, and the inability to close the upper eyelid completely. Various methods of treatment for the management of lagophthalmos have been described, including the use of gold to weight the upper eyelid [1, 10]. The popularity of this method is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the surgical technique is relatively simple. Secondly, it can be performed under local or general anaesthesia, and thirdly, it is easily reversible if necessary.In order to accomplish a successful implantation, it is in our opinion essential that, in addition to the surgical technique, special care should be taken when assessing the desired form and weight of the implant preoperatively. To realize this goal, the assistance of a maxillofacial prosthodontist was requested. In this study, the results at our department with gold weight eyelid implantations are discussed.
Material and methods