The emergency of a traumatically injured oral and maxillofacial region occurs frequently, and such injuries certainly need dental treatment. Therapy of traumatic dental injury aims to restore the function of the tooth; Towards this goal dentists will need a carefully managed treatment planning that often involves a multidisciplinary approach. This case report aims to present the treatment of traumatized anterior teeth aesthetically. Twenty year old male patient came to Conservative Dentistry clinic of Universitas Gadjah Mada Dental Hospital, complaining about the traumatized crown fractures of front teeth 12, 11, 21 and 22 caused by an injury in the previous 4 months. Clinical examination revealed a crown fracture with exposed pulp chamber on all maxillary incisors with grade 1 mobility. Radiographic examination showed a radiolucent area in the periapical region of right maxillary lateral incisor and left maxillary central incisor. Root canal treatments were performed on all maxillary incisors. Crown lengthening without bone reduction was carried out after root canal treatment, then it was followed by placing of a customized fiber-reinforced post and all-porcelain crown. After the treatment, the comprehensive traumatic injury of the anterior teeth can be restored aesthetically, by way of a combined treatment using endodontic and periodontic treatment.