High-dimensional entangled quantum states improve the performance of quantum technologies compared to qubit-based approaches. In particular, they enable quantum communications with higher information capacities or enhanced imaging protocols. However, the presence of optical disorder such as atmospheric turbulence or biological tissue perturb quantum state propagation and hinder their practical use. Here, we demonstrate a wavefront shaping approach to transmit highdimensional spatially-entangled photon pairs through scattering media. Using a transmission matrix approach, we perform wavefront correction in the classical domain using an intense classical beam as a beacon to compensate for the disturbances suffered by a co-propagating beam of entangled photons. Through violation of an Einstein-Podolski-Rosen criterion by 988 sigma, we show the presence of entanglement after the medium. Furthermore, we certify an entanglement dimensionality of 17. This work paves the way towards manipulation and transport of entanglement through scattering media, with potential applications in quantum microscopy and quantum key distribution.Quantum entanglement plays a central role in quantum technologies. In this respect, high-dimensional entangled states of light offer higher information capacities [1] and better resistance to noise [2] over qubit-based quantum communication systems. In particular, their high tolerance to losses make them good candidates for the realization of device-independent quantum communication [3]. Furthermore, they also serve as an essential resource in many quantum imaging protocols, including sub-shotnoise imaging [4], resolution and sensitivity-enhanced approaches [5][6][7], quantum illumination [8,9] and quantum holography [10,11].An important issue to be overcome in these applications is the preservation of entanglement after transmission through optical disorder. Light scattering in biological tissue, atmospheric turbulence, random mode mixing in multimode fibers, are examples of adverse effects that can significantly impair the performance of imaging and communication systems. In classical optics, wavefront shaping techniques [12,13] were developed to mitigate these effects. Such an ability to control light propagation through scattering samples has led to many technological advances, such as the transmission of spatial information through multimode fibers [14,15] or deep tissue imaging [16,17].Wavefront shaping has also been used to manipulate non-classical light through scattering media, such as single [18][19][20] and indistinguishable photons [21,22]. These techniques have recently been applied to highdimensional spatially-entangled photon pairs. Proof-ofprinciple experiments include their transmission through thin static [23,24] and dynamic diffusers [25], and multimode fibers [26]. However, these demonstrations have