Extreme weather events such as heat waves, extreme precipitation, and storm surges are likely to become more frequent and intense with climate change. Extreme weather-driven disasters (EWDDs) cause a substantial burden of childhood mortality and morbidity worldwide. We reviewed the published literature on EWDDs and their health impacts on children, and developed a conceptual model based on complex systems thinking to identify the health risks, vulnerabilities, and capacities of children in the context of EWDDs as a means of informing areas for adaptive intervention. We found that direct and indirect physical and mental impacts of EWDDs on child health are abundant and interrelate in complex ways. The literature review and modeling demonstrated the centrality of resilience at the level of the child and his or her direct environment, suggesting that mental health status may play a key role in a child's experience of numerous other health outcomes of EWDDs. EWDDs interact with environmental and social systems and with individual children and their contexts in complex ways, the impacts of which are nonlinear and difficult to predict. Traditional perspectives on climate change-driven health impacts often overlook complex bio-psychosocial interactions, suggesting a need to work on preventive strategies to reduce vulnerability and build individual child resilience.