Prompted by an example related to the tensor algebra, we introduce and investigate a stronger version of the notion of separable functor that we call heavily separable. We test this notion on several functors traditionally connected to the study of separability.
IntroductionGiven a field k, the functor P : Bialg k → Vec k , assigning to a k-bialgebra B the k-vector space of its primitive elements, admits a left adjoint T, assigning to a vector space V the tensor algebra TV endowed with its canonical bialgebra structure such that the elements in V becomes primitive. By investigating the properties of the adjunction (T, P), together with its unit η and counit ǫ, we discovered that there is a natural retraction γ : TP → Id of η, i.e. γ • η = Id, fulfilling the condition γγ = γ • PǫT. The existence of a natural retraction of the unit of an adjunction is, by Rafael Theorem, equivalent to the fact that the left adjoint is a separable functor. It is then natural to wonder if the above extra condition on the retraction γ corresponds to a stronger notion of separability. In the present paper, we show that an affirmative answer to this question is given by what we call a heavily separable (h-separable for short) functor and we investigate this notion in case of functors usually connected to the study of separability.Explicitly, in Section 1 we introduce the concept of h-separable functor and we recover classical results in the h-separable case such as their behaviour with respect to composition (Lemma 1.4). In Section 2, we obtain a Rafael type Theorem 2.1. As a consequence we characterize the hseparability of a left (respectively right) adjoint functor either with respect to the forgetful functor from the Eilenberg-Moore category of the associated monad (resp. comonad) in Proposition 2.3 or by the existence of an augmentation (resp. grouplike morphism) of the associated monad (resp. comonad) in Corollary 2.7. In Theorem 2.8, we prove that the induced functor attached to an A-coring is h-separable if and only if this coring has an invariant grouplike element.Section 3 is devoted to the investigation of the h-separability of the induction functor ϕ * and of the restriction of scalars functors ϕ * attached to a ring homomorphism ϕ : R → S. In Proposition 3.1, we prove that ϕ * is h-separable if and only if there is a ring homomorphism E : S → R such that E • ϕ = Id. Characterizing whether ϕ * is h-separable (in this case we say that S/R is h-separable) is more laborious. In Proposition 3.4, we prove that S/R is h-separable if and only if it is endowed with what we call a h-separability idempotent, a stronger version of a separability idempotent. In Lemma 3.7 we show that the ring epimorphisms (by this we mean epimorphisms in the category of rings) provide particular examples of h-separability. In Lemma 3.11 we show that the ring of matrices is never h-separable over the base ring except in trivial cases. In the rest of the present section we investigate the particular case when S is an R-algebra i.e. Im(ϕ) ⊆ Z(S). In Theorem...