“…Whether the dynamic process of plaque formation at the carotid bifur cation is due to lipid or coagulation/plalelet aggregation defects, Grolta et al [25] reported a significant increase in carotid stenosis of 2:23% over 30 m on th s was associated with a significant increase in LD L. In addition, evaluation of the dynamic aspects of L D L and IID L metabolism by assessing in vivo metabolism o f autologously labelled lipoproteins demonstrated a slower catabolism of LD L and a faster one for I IDL, suggesting that increased resi dent lime in serum combined with enhanced catabolism of H D L is associated with ABls [26], In addition to metabolic parameters supporting the role o f impaired or abnormal cholesterol transport in ABls, altered gene function for proteins involved in cho lesterol metabolism may likely play an important role in determining ABI susceptibility. For example, in a study of gene polymorphism o f the major apoprotein of I IDL, Kasturi et al [27] reported on the occurrence of restric tion fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the tandemly arranged apoproteins of A l, ( 'III, and AIV on the long arm o f chromosome 11. Results of the study demon strated that black subjects with extracranial occlusive dis ease display significant R FLP, although while subjects did not.…”