Background and Aim: The combination of photodynamic therapy and biliary stenting seems to be beneficial in the palliative treatment of unresectable cholangiocarcinoma. We aimed to assess the accuracy of photodynamic therapy in a single centre. Methods: Fourteen selected patients, with jaundice related to unresectable cholangiocarcinoma, underwent photodynamic therapy and biliary stenting (with or without chemotherapy). Photofrin was injected intravenously (2 mg/kg) 2 days before intraluminal photoactivation. In case of malignant progression, photodynamic therapy was repeated. The outcome parameters were overall survival and quality of life. Results: There were eight men and six women (median age: 67 [42-81]). Unresectability was related to a low Karnofski index (n = 2), peritoneal carcinomatosis (n = 4), vascular involvement (n = 3), invasion of the hepatoduodenal ligament (n = 2) and an under-sized liver remnant (n = 3). Biliary stenting was efficient (Ն 50% total bilirubin) in 78.5% of cases. Eight patients developed cholangitis. The mean number of photodynamic therapy procedures was two (1-4). Six (43%) patients needed Ն 2 procedures. No severe toxicity was noted. Photodynamic therapy improved the Karnofski index in 64% of cases. Six (42.8%) patients received concomitant chemotherapy (gemcitabine). The median survival time was 13.8 [0.7-29.2] months. The 3-, 6-and 12-month survival rates were 85%, 77% and 77%, respectively. Conclusion: These results confirm the beneficial effect of biliary drainage, photodynamic therapy and chemotherapy for unresectable cholangiocarcinoma in selected patients with jaundice.