Abstract-The eigenwave dispersion (its initial periodicity-dispersion component) and the H 0i -wave power flows (via the partial wave concept proven) are examined in a periodic iris-loaded circular waveguide (PICW). The eigen-values and modes are classified; arbitrariness of a Bragg wave-point location, the eigenwave interpretation, the contradirectional power flows, the asymmetric wave hybridity, and etc., are found and/or explained. All of the results are valid to the class of periodic-boundary structures (PBS).
NOTATIONS LIST PERTAINING TO THE PROBLEM1. (κ B , κα B ) ≡ (κ, κα) B -Bragg wave-number and its ordinate on the Brillouin plane (κ, κα), i.e., the Bragg wave-point; 2. ∆ω B -Bragg band, i.e., a (locally) forbidden band; ∆Ω i -the i-mode propagation band; 3. periodicity dispersion -the first one of the two factorsperiodicity and diffraction -responsible for the waveguide dispersion forming; 4. initial periodicity dispersion (i.p.d.) -the waveguide dispersion at infinitesimal irises; 5. regular mode -the PICW eigenmode in one-to-one correspondence to that of the smooth waveguide; 6. periodicity mode -the PICW eigenmode originating due to the periodicity effect; 7. partial waves -the independent ingredients of a PICW eigenwave.