We estimate production cross sections for 2-body resonances of the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking sector (in WLWL and ZLZL rescattering) from γγ scattering. We employ unitarized Higgs Effective Field Theory amplitudes previously computed coupling the two photon channel to the EWSBS. We work in the Effective Photon Approximation and examine both e − e + collisions at energies of order 1-2 TeV (as relevant for future lepton machines) and pp collisions at LHC energies. Dynamically generating a spin-0 resonance around 1.5 TeV (by appropriately choosing the parameters of the effective theory) we find that the differential cross section per unit s, p 2 t is of order 0.01 fbarn/TeV 4 at the LHC. Injecting a spin-2 resonance around 2 TeV we find an additional factor 100 suppression for pt up to 200 GeV. The very small cross sections put these γγ processes, though very clean, out of reach of immediate future searches.