The Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Cases book series is a collection of books, each containing a set of chapters related to best practices of community quality-of-life indicators projects. Many communities (cities, towns, counties, provinces, cantons, regions, etc.), guided by their local planning community councils and local government, and other organizations, develop community indicator projects. These projects are designed to gauge the "social health" and well-being of targeted communities. These projects typically involve data collection from secondary sources capturing qualityof-life indicators (i.e., objective indicators capturing varied dimensions of economic, social, and environmental well-being of the targeted communities). The same projects also capture community wellbeing using primary data in the form of survey research. The focus is typically subjective indicators of quality of life such as community residents' satisfaction with life overall, satisfaction with various life domains (e.g., life domains related to social, leisure, work, community, family, spiritual, fi nancial, etc.), as well as satisfaction with varied community services (government, nonprofi t, and business services serving the targeted communities). The book series is intended to provide community planners and researchers involved in community indicator projects with prototypic examples of how to plan and execute community indicator projects in the best possible ways.