The proximate composition of biochemical constituents was analyzed in the muscle of adult male and female prawns of Macrobrachium rosenbergii collected from two different natural culture sites. This was in the order of moisture > protein > amino acids > carbohydrate > nucleic acids (RNA > DNA) > lipid > fatty acids > ash. The prawns collected from both natural culture sites showed reasonably good proximate composition. This indicates that the wild has provided adequate food source to the prawns. The proportion of total protein, amino acids, lipid, fatty acids, carbohydrate and RNA were found to be higher in female prawns than in the males. In contrast, the proportions of moisture and ash contents were higher in male prawns when compared with females. The level of DNA was found to be unchanged in both male and female prawns. HPTLC analysis of amino acids revealed higher levels of essential amino acids, such as phenylalanine, leucine, tyrosine, isoleucine, tryptophan, methionine, valine, threonine, arginine, histidine, lysine in female prawns when compared to the male prawns. Similarly, GC analysis of fatty acids showed both polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids levels were found to be higher in female prawns when compared to the males. The variation in muscle constituents between male and female prawn reflects the differences in sex development and their energy requirements for body maintenance during the adult stage. In the present study, nutrition wise, the adult female prawn was as good or better