The prerequisites for a successful outcome after fundoplication are careful patient selection, good technique, and an understanding of the principles of antireflux surgery. The most important aspect of any such operation is the construction of a peri-esophageal ring around the gastro-esophageal junction buttressing the sphincter and, thus, neutralizing the gastric opening pressure. Accordingly, the operation has to comprise: 1) generous dissection around the gastric fundus to allow the formation of a "floppy" fundoplication; 2) construction of the cuff as short as possible (2 cm to 3 cm); and 3) proper fixation of the cuff at the correct site in the region of the lower esophageal sphincter. Adherence to these principles will avoid postoperative dysphagia or functional gastro-intestinal disorders and produce long-lasting reflux control in approximately 90% of patients at 10 years. Problems of hypercontinence may occasionally occur since gastro-esophageal reflux suppression is usually complete and any physiological reflux abolished. With the advent of modern drug treatment, the excellent results achieved by fundoplication need to be maintained despite fewer operations. Careful postoperative quality control including pH monitoring is therefore mandatory. The principle of periesophageal wrapping is likely to remain the cornerstone of antireflux surgery. Current techniques are, however, likely to evolve. One direction being investigated is laparoscopic fundoplication, rendering the procedure much less invasive.